Portraits: Kristie

Check me out on social media Instagram and Facebook ! This was a shoot I did a while ago. I shot both digital and large format film. Digital cameras provide flexibility to shoot from different angle and without a tripod. Large format camera does much better in terms of bokeh and separating the subject from the background. I love shooting environmental portraits compared to studio portraits. The environment adds an extra dimension and makes the images much more dynamic and narrates a visual story! I'm making more of these blog posts as I'm migrating photos from flickr to my blog and Facebook. I never had to group my work by projects before on flickr. This gives me an opportunity to combine work as they were shot and create a timeline of sorts of all my projects! Stay tuned! Olympus E-3 + 7-14mm Speed Graphic + Kodak Aero Ektar 178 f/2.5 Olympus E-3 + 7-14mm Speed Graphic + Kodak Aero Ektar 178 f/2.5 ...