Delware Park... almost

Gosh. I should remember to update my blog often. With the Twitter micro-blogging, all my small ideas drain out(I don't even know if they technically qualify as ideas). So unless I do something that challenges my limit there is no topic to blog. Here is one which makes a pretty good candidate for a blog. I had seen a few pictures of Delaware Park, near Port Sanilac Michigan. I wanted to shoot some similar pictures with rocks in the water and waves splashing against them. Last night I "intuitively" decided to get up early and go shoot there. As it's about 2 hours away and I didn't know exact location of the park, I left at 3.30 AM, morning i.e. first step to push my limits. One of the few 3.30 AMs rises I've seen in my life. You know, intuitions always don't result in your favor. So someone else had decided to disrupt my plans. Weather: Rainy, Foggy and Misty. The park's location couldn't be traced by my GPS. My watch was in rest as it'd run out of battery. Pure Chaos. Somehow I made it to Delaware park and silent chill. Nobody was there and it looked like a scene straight outta horror~ish thriller movies. I gathered myself and looked at my beloved iPhone, no network. Hmmmm... Should I drive back home and tuck in or should I just wait for the sunrise and take a couple of pictures. The weather still wasn't encouraging and because of the rain the water was muddy and the stone were submersed. Just to make it my time's worth I took my camera and walked near the shore.... heavy downpour drenched me. There were water droplets all over my lens, resulting in weird pictures. Whatever.. FCUK it! (French Connection UK, not my fav. clothing brand ;-)). I had stopped caring at this time. I was cold and wet. After a couple of frames I packed up and started driving back. Having gone through all the misery I wanted get something, something. A roadside park well... I stopped and got a few which looked better than the ones I took at the original destination I intended .


Delware park.



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